welcome. everything I write here is something I felt to be important to some degree; game reviews, life updates/vents, and philosophical musings. I do my best to make my statements truthful. everyone is welcome to post comments, provided they are relevant.


I've been told to update my blog. Since World of Warcraft seems to be having server problems, I guess I will.

Things suck. the security job seems to be having several adverse effects on my mind, and probably my body. having to work +12 hour shifts 4 in a row might be predisposing me towards doing absolutely nothing when I'm not "at work" because that's pretty much what I do when "at work", except for a few times where I walk around a bit. I've noticed that I'd rather wander the house than, say, eat or clean my room. also, not being able to acquire food while at work has me eating large meals near the beginning of the shift (mostly as an excuse, but whatever) because i don't really don't want to prepare 3 meals ahead of time for WORK. it's just wrong i say.

It does not help that my one night a week class, where i only have 3 hours of class, gives me homework that takes a not insignificant portion of time. although i could probably get it done in a day, my mind no longer has any idea what "day" means. anyway, the class just has me making a 3D character in 3Ds MAX 6 (which gave me serious grief in the aquisition) that looks mostly like the sketches I'm given. again, my mind has lost its grip on time, so thinking about how long it takes to do stuff makes me a bit dizzy. so i'll stop thinking about it.

World of Warcraft is in open beta. for those who have no idea what I'm taking about, WoW is a game that has massively multiplayer online role-playing. this is shortened into MMORPG. its story is based on the events and characters of the Warcraft real-time strategy game. anyway, it is my opinion that this game is incredibly awesome. however, since it's an open beta, anyone (within a certain ungodly large limit which has already been reached) is able to join and make the servers beg for mercy. which they do with reckless abandon. so there's me, trying to make a name for myself as a level 14 Tauren warrior, or play with my friends as a Human, and this wave of n00bs is storming in (I think I'll call it the Storm of Souls), picking the servers closest to the number 1 or the top of the server list, and making everything choke for the people who are already there. You can't change the server your character is on. You can start your characters on low-traffic servers. it's not like you're going to get anywhere before you get tired of your character and start a female, probably night elf, strip her to her underwear and make her dance in front of the rest of the newbies (which includes people already with real characters and don't really need to see this shit AGAIN). I really hope Blizzard is learning something from our torture, and the retail turns out to be the brilliant gem I'm betting it will be. and it is a bet, since I'll be getting the collector's edition. I'm still trying to decide which pet I want.

a note about the webcomics, Dominic Deegan is not game related, but i like it. Ctrl+Alt+Del is a gaming comic, but the newbies really haven't been that bad... at least not that I've seen. there's always some.

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